Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wee Problems

* I check out Dear Prudence every now and then. This one made me chuckle. Tell me, what would you do if you were Forced to Stall?

Dear Prudence,
Male bathroom etiquette is fairly straightforward, but we have one person on the floor who makes the rest of us uncomfortable. We have a standard bathroom with two urinals, three stalls, and three sinks for male employees in our office. The urinals are to the left of the sinks and the stalls to the right. There is one person, whom I will call Pierre (for one who pees through the air), who stands an uncomfortable (for the rest of us) distance from the urinal. I estimate that he's about 20 to 24 inches away from the porcelain when he goes. Since there are two urinals, if one of us is second into the bathroom we can go to one of the stalls to do our business. But there are times when a person can be trapped at the first urinal, as Pierre mans up to the second one, which makes it more uncomfortable trying to slide between him and the wall to get out. Pierre is a weightlifter type who probably knocks back 128 ounces of water a day; he's in the bathroom often, and he's not very friendly. We would like management to talk to him, but we don't know how to bring it up.
—Forced To Stall

Dear Forced,
I thought I should refer this to someone with more knowledge of men's-room etiquette matters. Then I decided Sgt. Dave Karsnia of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Police Department probably has enough going on right now. This seems rather a wee problem to take to management. Unless you're quite certain a bathroom is being used for drug deals or sexual encounters, it's probably best not to write a joint letter about a colleague's long stance while urinating. I understand from my sources that asking Pierre to move while midstream can lead to havoc, so if you find yourself snared and the wait seems excessive, just continue squeezing by. But since the problem is getting trapped at the first urinal, if Pierre's not in there when you arrive, why don't you all make a habit of going to the second urinal? And let's face it, if this is the biggest problem of your day, urine luck.


The MacMizzles said...

I wonder if I would be concerned with this if I were a man. I mean how can you complain about something that takes just seconds to whip out and put away. I mean, it's a full ordeal to go to the rest-room when you are a woman, I think he should just deal with it.

Biker Babe said...

mcmillans - welcome to my blog! I just doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. But when I read it to my husband he told me that it is a big deal, that there is a standard men's room etiquette and standing two feet away from the urinal is not conforming to the official handbook of male bathroom etiquette.. He also said the guy is just trying to show off his "wanker."


Wow, I am perplexed. Perhaps what is occurring in this situation is one man is going for distance and one man is going for speed. Which reminds me, I am blown away by how loud the sound of male urination is compared to a female. I mean, men sound like that haven't released the fluids in days every time they urinate. Women however get very little thunder in comparison. Maybe he is admiring how loud and barbaric is urine sounds when he is further away. OR he could just be flashing his wanker.


perverter, bad boy.

Winder said...

I think that if my husband were stuck dealing with "Pierre" he would have a complete melt down. He is a total germ-a-phobe. He could be the Men's Room Etiquette police. I know he would freak out about more than the guy showing off his wanker. There would be major panic over the splash back. The further the distance+the force of urine=greater splatter.

If you don't believe me about the panic ask rabid how my hubby deals with the Yahoo's after bathroom visits.

The MacMizzles said...

I've had my eye on your blog for some time now, it's a great blog.