Friday, August 31, 2007

Moving Forward

I have the theme to Chariots of Fire running through my head. It's an inspiring anthem that seems to have withstood some test of time, since it is over 25 years old. But having it stuck in my head has actually caused me to reflect on the direction my life is taking. Do I want to be a runner in the Olympics? No. But I do want to be better at the things I can do well, the talents I have. And I would like to develop new talents that may be lying dormant. I want to be an ordinary person living an extraordinary life. You know, the kind of person they make inspirational movies about.
However, it is easy to say that I want to be better. In fact, I say it all the time, probably everyday. What is it that takes the desire and turns it into into action? Because I have to be honest with you, I have experienced many failures, many goals not completed, many tasks undone. On the otherhand, I am happy. I am healthy (unless you count the roll of cookie dough I just ate). My needs are met. I am content. I am able to take care of my family and give them what they need. So maybe right now is not the right time for me to be making huge goals and becoming obsessed with accomplishing them. Maybe it's the right time to try to be a little better each day and get the important things done. Maybe just being happy is extraordinary.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Who You Callin' Crazy?!

Some people have said that I've cornered the market on crazy...especially when it comes to me and my bike. I don't quite get it. Doesn't everyone have a bike? And if they don't, don't they want one? Doesn't riding a bicycle bring back memories of a childhood full of freedom and innocence, when the world wasn't so hectic and when we didn't have so many responsibilities, when we found delight in the littlest of things, when everyone was our friend, when we shared our most prized possessions, when we smiled and laughed and played? Who doesn't want that? Who really wants to be an "adult" 100% of the time? So when people call me crazy for my bike fettish I say, "Oh yeah, well, you can just go work your 90 hour week and I'll go lose myself in an hour of bike riding a day and actually enjoy my life." Really, who's the crazy one?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

If Tomorrow Never Comes...

OH how I love you!!
Painted pink it would be THE PERFECT bike.