Saturday, November 10, 2007

Without further ado...

Sorry guys, I've been out of town where I have had no access to electricity, internet, or running water. But I am back am ready to be random. Here I go!
1. I would love to be a demolition derby driver. I have it all planned out. My car will be pink, my number on the car 24, and my driver name will be Candy Apple. I have my whole alter-ego worked out! You think Biker Babe might be my alter-ego? No ma'am, it's not!

2. I am very perplexed by this spoon. I have one in my drawer. Please tell me, why do you need a spoon with a whole in the middle of it? What purpose does it serve that a regular spoon or even a slotted spoon cannot accomplish? It is driving me nuts!

3. I have a glass eye.

4. Just kidding, I don't have a glass eye. It was just very random, even if it wasn't true!

5. Professions I've aspired to throughout my life, other than a demolition derby driver: firefighter, doctor, truck driver (I thought it'd be so cool to travel across the country and get paid for it), teacher, nurse, social worker, juvenile detention teacher/counselor, NBA basketball player (notice I didn't say WNBA, I wanted to play with the men!), rock star, orchestra conducter, and finally, mommy.

6. I had a super-huge crush on my college math teacher. He was probably in his late 20's, early 30's at the time. He had long, red, fuzzy hair that he pulled into a ponytail, a goatee, and wore Birkenstocks all the time. He even had a beer belly. Looking back I realize that I definitely liked him for his brain. He was passionate about math and life. Anyway, my roommates and I found out where he lived and basically stalked him, totally in a "I'm not a crazy, I just want to know what he's like outside of school" way. One time we were sitting outside his house debating whether he had a girlfriend or was gay when he walked out. I screamed and ducked. Stupid me, the window was open so he heard and looked our way. I was so embarrassed. After that, everytime he called on me to answer a question in class I turned bright red. Not too obvious, right?

7. I love doing my taxes. I know, weird. Of course, my life is uncomplicated enough that I don't need tons of forms or anything. But I love calculating things out and I love filling out forms.

8. Since I wasted a number with the whole glass eye thing I thought I'd share another random fact. I don't really like chocolate all that much. I hear a collective gasp! I mean, sometimes I get a craving...but not often.