Speaking of dogs (okay, we weren't really speaking, but I just reread Xanadiva's entry about her poopy neighbor) today I took the Littles to the park. We had really good time. The weather was nice, the sun was shining, the breeze was blowing...and then some lady showed up with her dog and freaked out my kids. The dog, apparently really nice and docile and doesn't bite (as the lady kept saying) got in my youngest Littles' face and she started screaming bloody murder. I swept her up and it took her several minutes to comfort her. She was shaking she was so scared. I was pretty mad

Now don't get me wrong, I love dogs. Granted, I'm not so much a pet person and will probably never own one; everyone in my house is allergic. But no matter how nice your dog is I firmly believe that when it is around other people, especially children, it MUST BE ON A LEASH! Not everyone wants your dog in their face! And even after the dog freaked out my kid and I threw the lady all kinds of dirty looks, she still didn't put her on the dang leash that she had conveniently tucked in her pocket. Do people just not get it? I guess I should have been a little more direct and actually said something. When am I going to learn to speak my mind?